Abandoned Motor Vehicle

The Abandoned Motor Vehicle Program provides assistance in the collection of abandoned motor vehicles and other scrap metals to reduce health hazards, improve the appearance of the landscape and to recycle metals. The program also provides technical assistance to communities in cleaning up stockpiles of major appliances and other scrap metal.

Who is eligible for a grant?

The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) – Solid Waste Program administers the state Abandoned Auto Fund. Units of government, including state entities, counties, cities, and municipalities, can apply for reimbursement for the costs of collection and recycling abandoned motor vehicles, other equipment, and scrap metal. Some operations that have benefited in the past include landfills, local public health units, and local districts.

What items qualify?

Abandoned motor vehicles, automobile and implement equipment, large items that yield a significant amount of scrap metal, trailers, campers and RVs, stockpiles of major appliances and other machinery are some of the items that qualify for removal under this fund.


There are many benefits to this program including reducing health hazards, improving the appearance of the landscape, and recycling metals. The program also provides technical assistance to communities in cleaning stockpiles of major appliances and other scrap metal. This project is a win/win for all involved! The local entity sees improved property function, unwanted metal is recycled and put to good use, and towing and transport companies are paid for their contribution.

How does it work?

The unit of government sends the completed request for grant form, to solidwaste@nd.gov, with the following information:

  • The name of the unit of government requesting the funds
  • A first and last name of the contact person, along with address, phone number and email address
  • What the intended use for the funds will be
  • The anticipated cost of removal
  • Someone from the Solid Waste Program will follow up on your request. If the request is approved, you will choose a business from a provided list of licensed scrap iron processors. Receipts will be turned into the NDDEQ – Solid Waste Program for reimbursement.

    Forms for reimbursement and release of abandoned motor vehicle/scrap metal.

    It is free to become a licensed scrap iron processor! Applications for businesses interested in becoming a licensed scrap iron processor should be sent to solidwaste@nd.gov.

    Relevant Documents

  • Abandoned Auto Fact Sheet NEW
  • Request for Grant NEW
  • Abandoned Auto Fact Sheet NEW
  • Removal of Submerged Vehicle Policy Memo NEW
  • Law
  • License Application - Scrap Iron Processor - SFN8382
  • Commercial Towing Reimbursement Policy Memo - Under Revision
  • Commercial Towing Request for Reimbursement - Under Revision
  • Release Of Abandoned Motor Vehicle Scrap Metal - SFN8399
  • Request For Reimbursement - Abandoned Motor Vehicle Program - SFN8387